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233 items found for ""

  • Looking for Some Help?

    Acknowledging that you need help is a fantastic first step when you're going through a difficult time, but what do you do then? The Counselling Directory are dedicated to providing people with support wherever they are on their journey - whether they're just looking for information about mental health, or they're ready to make an appointment to see a counsellor. In this video, the Counselling Directory explains how they can offer you support on your path to health and happiness. If you would like to find out more about counselling and mental health, please visit their website or take a further look around mine.

  • In the Moment?

    Looks familiar…? Not to worry! Remember, it’s called meditation PRACTICE, not meditation PERFECT. Thankyou to the Chopra Center Meditation.

  • What's Your Conflict Style?

    Are you a shark or an owl? Or maybe a turtle or a fox? Or even a bear? Identifying your conflict style can have a dramatic effect on your relationships. Once we become aware of our behaviour or attitude then we have the option to change. It's a win-win in my book!

  • Watch that Self Talk!

    From those lovely people at Action for Happiness! Would you talk to a friend the same way you talk to yourself? Be your own best friend. Try a little kindness!

  • Control?

    Do you fret about how others behave or how they treat you? You may be giving yourself a lot of worry. What can you control? Your reaction and, indeed, how long you participate in it.

  • How Did You Get Here?

    After a very interesting and educational few days training on how to work with affairs and betrayals in relationships, it really doesn't necessarily mean the end of that relationship. It may even result in a stronger and more rewarding partnership as couples explore why it happened, improve communicating their needs and take responsibility for their actions. Andrew Marshall challenges 3 common myths surrounding affairs.

  • Yes, Yes, Yes!

    Does sex have to die after you've known someone a while?

  • Learning from Mistakes

    Ahhhh, the fairy tale suggests we have to kiss a number of frogs to find our prince and for once, I agree. Our mistakes can guide us towards the 'right person' but only if we learn from them, discover our boundaries...and stick to them. As a wise therapist reminded me recently "Whatever you do in the first three months of a relationship, be prepared to do it for the rest of the relationship." What are your boundaries?

  • Beautifully Fragile?

    How close are we to a change in our lives? We focus so much on the accidents, the illness or people leaving us yet overlook the possibility of good things; the new loves, promotions or invitations. We are all 'beautifully fragile' ...

  • What's your Love Map?

    Have you thought why you are attracted to some people but others send you running in the opposite direction? Your own unique love map will hold the answers! But where does that come from? Well, the answer is in your past. The School of Life explains clearly how our relationship template develops and, once we become aware of the bits that aren't so good for us, what we could change so we not only attract less destructive partners but become better partners too.

  • Attachment Style and Adult Relationships.

    Why do certain relationships just not work? Why is it hard to know what some people want and why other people are just too needy? Or why do relationships fizzle out when all you want is closeness? And why do the words 'love' or 'commitment' scare some people off but not others? Well, the answers could be in your attachment style. Here, the wonderful School of Life explain clearly and succinctly what attachment theory is, from John Bowlby who pioneered the theory in the 1950s to reflecting on your own attachment style be it secure, anxious or avoidant and what happens when we pair up with someone else.

  • Nobody is Broken!

    Absolutely! Nobody is broken. We are just different. We are a product of our experiences both good and bad...and nobody is immune from that. We weren't perfect in the first place but all of us are constantly changing with what is going on in our lives. Yes, we sometimes make poor choices and life can throw us a tough time but most of us are doing the best we can. You are not broken. You don't need fixing.

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