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233 items found for ""

  • The Oedipus Complex

    Ever wondered what the Oedipus Complex meant? Here is Aidan Turner and BBC Radio 4 to help you out. Yes, most of us love our mothers very much...but not in THAT way!

  • What is Person Centred Therapy?

    Ever heard the term 'person centred therapy' and wondered what it meant? Here is a brief explanation of Carl Roger's Person-Centered Therapy by the great man himself, an approach which uses empathy, unconditional positive regard and genuineness in order to create an environment that is conducive to human growth. This is a humanistic approach which emphasises the goodness and potential for growth within us all.

  • We all have our shadow side...

    Do you have a dark side? Are you always sweetness and light? Or is your shadow in control of you? We see the world through the eyes of our own experience. As Jung notes everyone carries a shadow...

  • How self-compassion helps others.

    Having self-compassion is not the same as being selfish or self centred. Acknowledge your pain, your failure, your difficulty. It is part of the human journey. It will lessen, it will pass and it will time. What kindness would you give your friend suffering as you are now? Be that friend to yourself. If we cannot look after ourselves, we will not be strong enough to look after others.

  • Sleep Easily: Guided Meditation for Sleep Problems and Insomnia

    “Finish each day before you begin the next, and interpose a solid wall of sleep between the two.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson It’s so important to empty our minds before we go to sleep - to release all our thoughts, plans, worries and concerns so that we can have a deep and restorative sleep. This guided meditation is meant to help you achieve just that. Whether you are prone to insomnia, sleep problems or not, this restful guided meditation will help you experience the beauty and wonder of the sea as you drift off, so that you can have a peaceful, relaxing and refreshing sleep.

  • Thinking of Making Changes?

    Thinking of making changes? To help with motivation try to picture your life in 6 months, 1 year...even 5 years time. Time passes anyway... Thank you, Daniel G Amen, MD.

  • "Slap her!"

    What happens when you put a boy in front of a girl and ask him to slap her? Here is how children react to the subject of violence against women. This video has been shot by Pssssst, 'kids react to slap her' is good too. What we could learn, eh?

  • Just be You.

    Just be. Just be you. Just be you with your talents, gifts and flaws - like us all.

  • Gotta Bad Habit? It can be Changed!

    Got into bad habits? Worrying too much? Drinking too much to block out negative thoughts? Dr Elaine Ryan explains clearly how our brains get used to thinking in a particular way. This, however, does not have to be permanent. We can change it. Mindfulness is a great way of becoming more aware of the present and combined with counselling or psychotherapy is a powerful way of challenging negative thought patterns.

  • Self Care?

    Why look after ourselves? Well, if we don't then we may not be there for others. We don't have to devote hours and hours but it's ok to be a little selfish, to take a little time, to allow ourselves a little of what we give to others. To keep mind and body together don't forget the basics - good nutritious food, sleep, exercise be it a short brisk walk or time in the gym, hug with family, friends or furry friend, time out reading or meditation... What would you recommend to a friend? Be a friend to yourself. Thanks to

  • Shy? Want to Come Out of your Shell?

    I find this very powerful. Listening to the words as Harry moves. Watching his movements along with his colour choices. Linking words with movement and colour. Shyness can be crippling. Coming out of your shell - when you feel safe to do so - and being you releases the suppressed enery and allows for more authentic living. Bullying can be behind shyness and can leave lasting damage. When we become aware of this then, perhaps, it is easier to begin healing.

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