Jan 16, 2024
How To Change Your Mind
How easy is it to change your mind? Literally make changes to your brain?

May 29, 2021
Trauma and Polyvagal Theory
Polyvagal theory in layperson’s terms. Polyvagal theory states there are three different branches of the autonomic nervous system that...

Apr 20, 2021
The Limbic Brain and Trauma
Traumatic events are common and most people will experience at least one during their lives. Trauma comes in many forms and affects...

Amanda Croft
Feb 29, 2020
The Brain and Singing
Singing in the shower makes your voice sound great, but is it also good for your mental health? ABC Classic asked Professor Sarah Wilson...

Mar 2, 2018
How Trauma Affects our Brain
As I am doing EMDR training this month, I wanted to remind myself how trauma affects the brain. Looking through YouTube clips as well...

Feb 19, 2017
Feeding your Brain
When it comes to what we bite, chew and swallow, our choices have a direct and long-lasting effect on the most powerful organ in our...